• conception • design • author commissioning and briefing • editing • proofreading • text and photography permissions • picture research

For Quercus we have produced Speeches that changed the world (2005), Women who changed the world (2006), The Greatest American Speeches (2006) and The Tyrants (forthcoming). Quercus’s clients for these books include Marks & Spencer, Barnes and Noble, Borders and Murdoch Books, Australia.
‘Here’s your handiwork – doesn’t it look great? We’re very happy, and more importantly, so are M&S and Murdoch books. Thanks again for your efforts.’ Wayne Davies, Quercus
(European Institute of Business Administration, Fontainebleau, France)
• research • writing • development editing
• editing • interviewing

We have produced books, case studies, working papers and articles for the Department of Entrepreneurship, the Wendel International Centre for Family Enterprise, the International Global Leadership Centre and the Department of Technology and Operations Management at INSEAD. We are currently developing several book projects for INSEAD faculty, writing for INSEAD Knowledge, and providing research and writing services for the new International Centre for Learning Innovation.


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‘Those of us who have written books know that at some point the excitement of writing something new is replaced by the tedium of rewriting the material one more time. You have been heroic in taking over where I left off modifying part of the manuscript. The process of rewriting and editing this book would have been difficult without your help.’ Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries, Clinical Professor of Leadership Development, INSEAD